
Parents can play a vital role in helping teens succeed in school by being informed and lending a little support and guidance. Even though teens are seeking independence.

Everychild has the capacity to succeed in school and in life. Yet far too many children,especially those from poor and minority families, are placed at risk by school practices that are based on a sorting paradigm in which some students receive high-expectations instruction while the rest are relegatedto lower quality education and lower quality futures. The sorting perspective must bereplacedby a “talent development” model that asserts that all children are capable of succeeding ina rich and demanding curriculum with appropriate assistance and support.

Conceptualizing Parental Involvement

Therole of parents in managing children’s educational experiences at home and at school has long been considered critical for children’s success in school. However, it is only recently thatresearchers have begun systematic and extensive investigations of parental involvement beyond the early years of schooling. Recent research has investigated parents’ involvement in students’ education during the middle grades.

The Spotlight

Parents mission in Madison

Knowing the physical layout of the school building and grounds can help you connect with your teen when you talk about the school day. It’s good to know the location of the main office, school nurse, cafeteria, gym, athletic fields, auditorium, and special classes.

The Spotlight

Parents goal in Madison

Teens do better in school when parents support their academic efforts. Attending your school’s open house or back-to-school night is a great way to get to know your teen’s teachers and their expectations.

parents quick access links

findings indicate that many parents are willing to participate in the school buildings and in the decision-making processes of high schools. They would also greatly benefit from guidancein their efforts to secure funds for postsecondary education.

Although most parents expected their child to continue his/her education after high school,only a few had started saving by the eighth grade. It seems that parents expect to save most for college during their child’s high school years. By the twelfth grade, most parents had discussions with their children about post secondary schools. Parents indicated that in choosing a post secondary school, teens consider academic issues and curricula more than school track records for careerplacement.

Most parents have some knowledge about financial aid and expect to finance their teen’s further education through grants and scholarships. About one-half of the parents had already applie dfor such programs a few months before their teen’s high school graduation.

2016 – 2017 Holiday List

Autumn Term

School Opens for all Year Groups Friday 2nd September 2016
School closes for Half Term Thursday 27th October 2016
School re-opens Tuesday 8th November 2016
School closes for Christmas Wednesday 21st December 2016 (early closure)

Spring Term

School re-opens Monday 9th January 2017
School closes for Half Term Friday 10th February 2017
School re-opens Monday 20th February 2017
School closes for Easter Friday 31st March 2017 (early closure)

Summer Term

School re-opens Tuesday 18th April 2017
School closed – Bank Holiday Monday 1st May 2017
School closes for Half Term Friday 26th May 2017
School re-opens Monday 5th June 2017
School closes for Summer Friday 21st July 2017 (early closure)